Fabricant : Al Fajr
Montre électronique de marque "Al Fajr".
Les horaires de prière peuvent être réglées avec précision (horaires prédéfinies pour les principales villes du monde),
Elle est personnalisable dans le monde entier. Pour les petites villes, vous réglez les horaires de prière d'une journée une seule fois et les horaires de prière se modifient automatiquement chaque jour.
Bracelet en métal et socle en plastique argenté. Boussole digitale pour la détermination de la Qibla en fonction du Nord.
L'heure de la prière est indiquée par un bip sonore. Possibilité de mémoriser le nom de la dernière sourate lue ( attention: fonction lecture de Coran non disponible). Étanchéité à l'eau 3 ATM. Poids 60 gr, Chronomètre, indicateur du niveau de la batterie. Réglage du volume de l'alarme. Support de l'heure d'été pour le calcul des heures de prière. Plusieurs méthodes de calcul (écoles) pour les heures de prières disponibles.
Modèl: WP-04
ALAFJR Watch Features
AZAN TIMES (for all cities around the world):
All the cities around the world are pre-programmed in the watch. And other smaller locations can be programmed using latitude, longitude and GMT information.
Azan times are calculated accurately, ALFAJR watch uses the local taqweem or the most widely used taqweem system for your city. Other standard taqweem systems are available, as follows:
Islamic World Organization (Muslim League)
Fajr azan time is calculated based on 18 degrees angle below the horizon before shrooq time.
Isha azan time is calculated based on 17.5 degrees angle below the horizon after magrib azan.
This system is widely used in Europe and the Far East.
Taqweem Um Al-Qura
Fajr azan time is calculated based on 19 degrees angle below the horizon before shrooq time.
Isha azan time is a fixed one and a half hours after Magrib.
This system is used in Saudi Arabia.
Altaqweem Almasri (Egypt)
Fajr azan time is calculated based on 19.5 degrees angle below the horizon before shrooq time.
Isha azan time is calculated based on 17 degrees angle below the horizon after magrib azan.
This system is used in Africa and many Arab countries.
Islamic Scientific University (Hanafi)
Fajr azan time is calculated based on 18 degrees angle below the horizon before shrooq time.
Isha azan time is calculated based on 18 degrees angle below the horizon after magrib azan.
In Hanafi system, Asr Azan time occurs when the shade is twice as long as the object.
In the common system Asr azan time is when the shade is of the same length as the object.
This system is mainly used in the Indian Sub-continent.
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Fajr azan time is calculated based on 15 degrees angle below the horizon before shrooq time.
Isha azan time is calculated based on 15 degrees angle below the horizon after magrib azan.
This system is mostly used in North America.
Fixed Time
Fajr time is determined as a fixed interval of time before shrooq time.
Isha time is determined as a fixed interval of time after Magrib azan.
This system is used in Northern Europe.
Six prayer reminder alarms can be independently set to ring before or after each azan. All prayer reminder alarms will automatically change according to the change of azan times.
Qibla direction (relative to the North) can be displayed.
Gregorian or Hijri calendar can be displayed.
The Hijri calendar follows the Gregorian date and is based on the astronomical moon sighting at Mecca.
This feature is used to record the last Sura name and Verse number you have reached in reading the Qur'an.
In addition to the prayer alarms, two standard daily alarms are available.
Bilingual display: Arabic & English languages
Stop Watch
Daylight saving time option
Alarm volume control
Battery level indicator